Friday, August 16, 2013

Port Forwarding

In order to use Virtual TimeClock at different locations over the Internet, there are a couple of one-time setup steps that need to be completed.

Static IP address
First, have your Internet service provider (ISP) update your Internet service to a static IP address. Make note of the static IP address they assign you and have them update the router configuration at your time clock server location to use the new static IP address.

Port forwarding
Second, open a port on the router at your time clock server location. This is commonly known as 'port forwarding' or 'port mapping'. Since every router is a little different, you'll need to consult the user's guide that came with your router for the exact steps to set up port forwarding. There's a website call that I've found really helpful for setting up port forwarding on different routers and modems. It's not comprehensive, but it's rare I can't find the router I'm looking for.

Tier 2 Tech Support
Redcort Software, Inc.

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