Thursday, November 8, 2012

Turning On Time Clock Administration

Both time clock software managers and time clock administrators need to turn administration on in order to perform administrative functions. When you first created your time clock company file, you were asked to create a program administrator. The time clock administrator has full access to all program functions and features. You can create additional time clock administrators, but they will also have unlimited access.

Time clock Managers are able to edit employee timecards and do other administration functions when they turn administration on, select their user name, and enter their password. What functions and features managers have access to is set up within the Display Groups configure panel.

When you choose Turn Administration On from the File menu, a dialog opens that asks if you want to turn on administration features. If your name is not displayed, then click on the name that is displayed to reveal a list of time clock managers and administrators. Now select your name and enter your password to open the time clock administration window so you can perform the administrative functions that have been assigned to you.

A quick way to verify who is set as an active time clock administrator or manager is to choose Security from the Configure menu. This control panel will show who has administration access without having to check each user one by one. Only time clock administrators can open the Security control panel.

Remember to turn administration off when you're all done so your time clock security won't be compromised.

Technical Support Team
Redcort Software, Inc.

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